How to view and save export results

A record is created in the Exports module for each export executed. The record includes:

  • Name of the export
  • The type of export: Scheduled or Unscheduled
  • Number of records exported
  • The module from which the records were exported
  • The filter used (if any)
  • The Start and End dates used
  • The export data file (location, size, etc.)

Locate an export:

  1. Click Exports in the Command Center to open the Exports module.
  2. Search for an export (enter its name in Schedule: (Export Details); search by date; or by module, etc.).
  3. Select the export you are after and view its details:

    Exports module

Export files generated by the export process are listed in the Export Files table. The files are stored on the EMu server. Any messages or errors are shown in the Filter Output box.